One of the ways our church seeks to explore together what it means to follow Jesus today, build an inclusive, caring community, and share God’s love and justice in words and actions is through our various groups and activities.

If you would like more information about the activities that are happening, please contact the church office: or 6295 9470 (9am-2pm Tues-Fri)

Morning Prayers – On Zoom
Every weekday (excluding Public Holidays) 8.00-8.30am on Zoom

Hatha Yoga with Monica
Mondays weekly
6.00 – 7.00pm Held in the Church Hall

This class is suitable for all abilities.

What you will need: yoga mat and a towel or blanket to cover yourself during the final relaxation time.

Kingston Babies
Tuesdays weekly 10.30am-12noon
Held in the ‘Lounge’ (in the Church Hall)

Kingston Babies is a friendly and relaxed setting for new (and new again) parents to gather, connect and chat about the joys and woes of parenting through that first year of life.

We know babies don’t adhere to adult notions of time, so we don’t have a strict start/end time. Please come along whenever suits you and baby!

Kingston Kids Playgroup
Tuesdays weekly 10.30am-12.00pm
Held in the Church Hall

Each session includes free play, morning tea (bring a snack for your child) and music/story time. Regular attendees are encouraged to become members through Playgroup ACT.  Cost $2.

Women’s Book Club
Tuesdays fortnightly
7.30pm – 9.30pm

Held in Kingston

The Women’s Book Club looks at a range of genres, Christian and non-Christian, often seeking out female authors. Books are discussed over two or more sessions (to give everyone a chance to read the books!)

Men’s Book Club
Tuesdays fortnightly
8.00pm – 10.00pm

Held in various locations

Men’s Book Club isn’t limited by it’s name; the group discuss a range of material, from novels to Ted Talks to interesting articles.

Movie Group
Tuesdays fortnightly
7.30pm – 9.30pm

Held in Kingston

Movies Group engage with movies that consider current issues and/or resonate with their Christian faith.

Thomas’ Table
Tuesdays fortnightly

a safe place for faith and doubt – meets fortnightly over a meal in different locations – currently working through the Field Notes for the Wilderness series.

Ladies Fellowship
1st Wed of the Month, 10.00am-12.00pm in the McMaster Lounge

3:16 Bible Study
2nd & 4th Wednesday of the Month, 2.00pm, held in Chifley

A unique approach to Bible study following Donald Knuth’s book 3:16 Bible texts illuminated. Guided by Knuth we look at each book, its context and significance starting with verse 16 of chapter 3.

Cooking Circles
2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month, 10:45am-1:30pm. Held in the Church Hall and kitchen

A place for people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to build connections and form friendships. Come along to share the cooking and the eating.
We ask for $7 per person to cover costs.

Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study
Thursdays weekly, 10.30am-12.00pm in the McMaster Lounge

Soup and Faith
Thursdays fortnightly, 6.30-9.00pm

This group shares a meal (not necessarily soup) together and reflects on faith – looking at a range of Christian resources.

Bible Book Club
Thursdays monthly
(last Thursday in the month)
7.30 to 9.00pm in the McMaster Lounge

Looks at a different book of the Bible each month from a literary point of view. Led by Rev’d Dr Jeanette Mathews, senior lecturer at St Mark’s National Theological Centre

Gardening Group
Fridays weekly – from 8.30am

A group who shares together in the maintenance and care of the gardens around the church.

Crafty Fingers
Fridays weekly, 10.30am-12.30pm in the McMaster Lounge

A craft and friendship group for a relaxed time to finish up the week.  BYO craft. It’s free.

Youth Group
Fortnightly on Sundays, 10.00am – 11.00am

Social gatherings for youth of school years 7-12. 
Occasional evening events.

Kids@Canbap – summer holiday program

A 3-day fun filled program running in the summer school holidays. For primary school aged from K-6 and ran from 9:00am to 3:30pm. It will be a fantastic time of fun, bible stories, crafts, activities, music and games.

For further information and registration click here