Psalm 23, John 10:1-11 I am the Good Shepherd, I am the gate for the sheep: the Gospel; The Lord is my shepherd – in and with him I have everything I need; the psalm. This is stuff for pastoralists not urban city dwellers let alone public servants in well Read more…
5th May 2019 – No Sermon recording available Preaching: Gary Moore Psalm 119:105-112, Matthew 5:17-20 Mission & The Reliability of Scripture The Yawos are a people group in Southern Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania. Their history with the rest of the tribes of that area is quite complex. In the era Read more…
John 20:19-31 (No sermon recording available this week) IT was the day after Jesus’ death according to John’s account, the first day of the week. Mary had been to the tomb early that morning, seen the empty tomb, and met Jesus whom she mistook for a gardener. Peter and another disciple Read more…
Christchurch response – Luke 24:1-12, Acts 10:34-43 Last Easter Sunday, in the afternoon, Grace’s best friend came over to hang out and she said to me, “Belinda, you know about this stuff. Is Easter Sunday a really sad day for Christians?” Now I assumed the question came from her limited Read more…
What do we want? – Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29; Luke 19:21-40 This week as Palm Sunday has drawn closer, I’ve been thinking about the chants you hear at protests and marches. Join in – if you know them! “Hey hey, ho ho, (eg racism) has got to go.” Or, “What Read more…
The Sacred Art of Ceasing (no sermon recording available) Deuteronomy 5:6-21, Luke 14:1-6 Today is the last of the sermons focused on the book by Marjorie Thompson called Soul Feast. Although the chapter I am basing my sermon on comes in the middle of the book, it seems appropriate that it Read more…
Soul Feast – Spiritual Direction (Psalm 32, Luke 1:26-38) You can meet them in school, or in lanes, or at sea, in church, or in trains, or in shops, or at tea; for the saints of God are just folk like me, and I mean to be one too. Where Read more…
Soul Feast – Prayer (Psalm 27, Luke 18:1-8) Today we continue our series, based on Soul Feast by Marjorie Thompson, exploring the practices or disciplines that for centuries Christians have practiced to strengthen their spiritual life – in other words how God relates to us and how we relate to Read more…
Hebrews 4: 12-16, Psalm 119 As a congregation, we are working our way through series on spiritual practices – based on Soul Feast by Marjorie Thompson – that Christians over the centuries have discovered and developed and practiced themselves in order to know God more deeply, more responsively, more transformatively Read more…